¿Un hijo más?....
Etiquetas: antropología, bioética, pensamiento
Pensamientos para una época en transición. Claudio Martínez Möckel
Lo de educar "a la bestia" lo digo por la cita de Hannah Arendt, que decía que que cada generación la civilización sufre la invasión de los bárbaros, y estos bárbaros son los niños. Educar es formar, es mostrar un camino. No vale todo, porque si vale todo, entonces todo carece de valor, y como dice San Pablo, comamos y bebamos que mañana moriremos. El ser humano, entonces es peor que una bestia. A propósito de esto nos cuentan en Vagon-Bar:
[Vía Vagón Bar]
No sé cómo se explicarán algunos el paso de aquellos hijos a estos, del idealismo social al de la litrona. Cómo unos padres supuestamente autoritarios engendraron hijos idealistas, y padres supuestamente liberales engendraron a estos. Alguien dirá que los jóvenes de hace treinta años lucharon para ganar una decepción, así que abrazaron la vida cómoda y desengañada y formaron así a sus hijos, los que ahora asaltan comisarías.
De hecho, los comentarios periodísticos y políticos insisten en responsabilizar a los padres de lo ocurrido, también económicamente: ¡que paguen los desmanes de sus retoños! Me parecía razonable y sensato hasta que leí el comunicado del Foro de la Familia: que sí, que los padres son los principales responsables y que eso lo dicen ellos desde siempre, pero entonces que les dejen educar a sus hijos según sus valores morales, que les dejen elegir colegio, que los medios masivos de entretenimiento no dificulten la tarea con ciertas series y determinadas revistas juveniles, que los ayuntamientos prohíban lo que tengan que prohibir, que…
Etiquetas: antropología, periodismo
La cuestión ha sido abordada por una blogger especializada en seguridad, Sherri Davidoff, que en una entrada en Philosecurity examina detalladamente un informe del Department of Homeland Security (DHS) de un viajero determinado, obtenido mediante petición a través de la Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA, que permite a los norteamericanos solicitar copia de cualquier documento que sobre ellos maneje la Administración): NI MAS NI MENOS QUE DOCE PAGINAS, que incluyen, además por supuesto de nombre, apellidos, pasaporte y todos los datos habitualmente disponibles en pasaporte y documentación, otra serie de datos que sería en principio más complicado sospechar, tales como números de tarjetas de crédito con sus correspondientes fechas de expiración, direcciones IP utilizadas para hacer las reservas de los billetes, fecha de nacimiento, identificadores de programas de viajero frecuente (incluyendo los que no han sido utilizados para ese viaje en concreto), información de hoteles e itinerarios, programa de viaje incluyendo números de asiento, teléfonos de casa, trabajo y móvil, datos de la reserva del hotel con sus preferencias, etc. Todos los datos pueden verse, con las obvias eliminaciones para proteger la identidad de usuario, en este pdf.
Etiquetas: internet, pensamiento
There have been many theories advanced to explain Kennedy’s behavior, all of which make much of the extraordinarily competitive and amoral atmosphere (especially as far as the treatment of women was concerned) in which the Kennedy boys were raised. As Garry Wills makes clear in his elegant The Kennedy Imprisonment, Ted Kennedy was born and bred to act like the last of the Regency rakes: to be a boor when it pleases him, to take what he wants, to treat women as score-markers in the game of sport-fucking and to revel in high-stakes risks. Joseph Kennedy Sr. flaunted his affairs in front of his wife and children, made crude passes at his sons’ dates and well past his middle years was still chasing doxies. John Kennedy’s mad womanizing—frolicking with nudettes in the White House swimming pool, banging a call girl in Lincoln’s bed, carrying on barely secret affairs with admitted mobster girlfriend Judith Campbell Exner, with Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield—was beyond anything Teddy has ever done or, for that matter, anything anybody has ever done. Neither Joe nor Jack was punished by church, state or wife for such behavior and the late-born Teddy, coming into the family when its adult behavior patterns were already mythologized, presumably figured that neither the rules of decency nor of retribution applied to a Kennedy. The boy grew to manhood without learning how to be an adult. His drinking suggests nothing so much as a frat boy on a toot. His actions with women seem to be more evidence, as writer Suzannah Lessard put it in 1979, of “a severe case of arrested development, a kind of narcissistic intemperance, a huge, babyish ego that must constantly be fed.”
Etiquetas: periodismo, política
Spain, and the rest of the European periphery, can solve their problems either through massive productivity gains, which is highly unlikely, or through a reduction in wages and prices in the order of 20-30%, which is what will happen slowly and painfully. You could call such a reduction of wages and prices an "internal devaluation".
Such an internal devaluation will imply large losses to domestic banks and to external creditors. In the case of Eastern European countries, the damage will be bad, but not very large. In the case of Spain, writing off mortgage debt will be massive. We estimate that Spanish real estate losses will be over €250 billion when all is said and done. Clearly Spanish and foreign banks are unwilling to admit to the size of the problem and write off the debt. That is why the losses are being hidden.
Oddly, even though inflation is negative, and unemployment is high, unions are still winning pay rises. Most wage agreements in Spain are reached through collective bargaining on an industry level. So far, wage increases are happening above the ECB's 2% target inflation rate. (It should come as no surprise that businesses try to get around wage bargaining. Last year almost five million jobs were temporary in Spain.)
Given how far out of line wages are with unit labor costs and the reality of deflation in Spain, we see Spain's unemployment level heading towards 25%. With a 25% unemployment rate and a debt deflationary dynamic, how exactly do the banks think they'll be paid back? Who will earn the money to pay the mortgage payments, and how will housing be affordable when wages have been deflated? Assuming the worst has passed in Spain does not pass the common sense test.
Etiquetas: politica
When it was over, Clinton left office with a 65 percent approval rating. Trust him with your daughter? Not a chance. But your economy? Sure.
W. Bush, by contrast, finished his term with an approval rating of 22 percent. Trust him with your daughter? Sure. But keep him away from the economy! Both parties could have drawn the same conclusion: Voters have more important things to worry about than their leaders' sex lives.
Sex in violation of Marriage is not Ok. Why not? Because adultery, unlike a frisky bachelor lifestyle, connotes a reckless dishonesty at odds with our basic notions of integrity. Because it shows a lack of respect for the most important commitment that most of us will ever make. Because it indicates that the adulterer will always place his selfish desires above those who depend on him.
[Vía Steve Chapman]
Etiquetas: sexo política
In Brussels, the top seven boys names recently were Mohamed, Adam, Rayan, Ayoub, Mehdi, Amine and Hamza. Mohamed is also the most popular name in Holland’s four biggest cities. Is anyone surprised?
Etiquetas: bioética, periodismo