¿Porque los Kennedy's eran maltratadores de mujeres, alcohólicos y niñatos de papá?
There have been many theories advanced to explain Kennedy’s behavior, all of which make much of the extraordinarily competitive and amoral atmosphere (especially as far as the treatment of women was concerned) in which the Kennedy boys were raised. As Garry Wills makes clear in his elegant The Kennedy Imprisonment, Ted Kennedy was born and bred to act like the last of the Regency rakes: to be a boor when it pleases him, to take what he wants, to treat women as score-markers in the game of sport-fucking and to revel in high-stakes risks. Joseph Kennedy Sr. flaunted his affairs in front of his wife and children, made crude passes at his sons’ dates and well past his middle years was still chasing doxies. John Kennedy’s mad womanizing—frolicking with nudettes in the White House swimming pool, banging a call girl in Lincoln’s bed, carrying on barely secret affairs with admitted mobster girlfriend Judith Campbell Exner, with Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield—was beyond anything Teddy has ever done or, for that matter, anything anybody has ever done. Neither Joe nor Jack was punished by church, state or wife for such behavior and the late-born Teddy, coming into the family when its adult behavior patterns were already mythologized, presumably figured that neither the rules of decency nor of retribution applied to a Kennedy. The boy grew to manhood without learning how to be an adult. His drinking suggests nothing so much as a frat boy on a toot. His actions with women seem to be more evidence, as writer Suzannah Lessard put it in 1979, of “a severe case of arrested development, a kind of narcissistic intemperance, a huge, babyish ego that must constantly be fed.”
Traduccion libre: Ted Kennedy nació y se crió en una atmósfera totalmente amoral, donde el padre Joseph Kennedy Sr. se jactaba de sus affairs con mujeres delante de su esposa e hijos, donde los hijos varones eran expuestos a una competición brutal entre ellos, donde las conquistas de mujeres eran un juego, y follar un deporte. Son conocidas las juergas de JFK en la piscina de la Casa Blanca con multitud de mujeres desnudas, sus líos con una de las novias de un mafioso (Judith Campbell Exner), con Marilyn Monroe y Jayne Mansfield. Ted Kennedy creció como el menor de los hermanos, y daba por hecho que Él estaba por encima del bien y del mal, que las reglas de la decencia y la venganza no iban con su familia. Su forma compulsiva de beber reflejan una forma de llamar la atención en ese escenario, donde el comportamiento adulto de sus hermanos ya había sido mitologizado, una mitología de héroes que en realidad eran unos críos, unos niñatos con un ego gigante, destemplado y narcisista que necesitaba ser alimentado sin parar. Ese era Teddy, y lo demás son pijadas.
[Gracias Barcepundit. Vía MEN STYLE]
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